Blackpool; Wednesday, 14 April, 2010

I arrived at Blackpool South station and walked the short distance to the hotel. The previous evening in the hotel in Liverpool I had used Google Street view to see how to walk from the station to the hotel, in the end I needn’t have bothered as I could see the hotel the moment I left the station.

Having checked in and dropped off my stuff in my room I headed out towards the sea front. I got to the shore just as a tram went sailing past so rather than taking a tram up the prom I wandered up all the way to the North Pier.

I had a stroll down the near deserted North pier, looking to the world like a pier whose best times are behind it.

When I got back to the land end I was just in time to catch a tram, which I did up to Cleveleys, where they were terminating due to vandalism to the power lines further north, so I caught the tram back, through the centre and down to the South Pier.

By now I had seen most of what Blackpool had to offer, so I got on a bus back north to Fleetwood to see what was there.

I was more impressed with Fleetwood than I was with Blackpool, with the sand dunes and the beautiful scenery of the Lake District across Morecambe Bay.

I hopped back on the bus into Blackpool and grabbed a late bite to eat in the hotel before heading to bed, trying to think of how I was going to fill another day and a half.


No Data Sunny
Warm (10-20C, 50-68F)