Ghent; Sunday, 22 December, 2013

After the rain of the previous evening it was quite a surprise to wake to a clear blue sky, albeit with a hefty wind rushing through the street my room looked down on.

Breakfast completed I headed out to the Gravensteen, the castle in the centre of the city, to have a look around there, and as the ticket was also valid at the St Peters Abbey, I caught the tram out to there and also had a look around.

By the time I left the Abbey it was late afternoon, and the weather had taken a distinct turn for the worse. I made a dash for the bus shelter and only got partly soaked in the process.

I got back to the hotel and dried off, waiting for the rain to pass, which it eventually did, before heading back out into town to have a wander through the Christmas market and then dinner.


Sunny Intervals Heavy Showers
Warm (10-20C, 50-68F)